
Call for Papers. Special Number "100 Years of Social Work: Discussions and Perspectives on the Discipline's Past, Present and Future". Submissions in Spanish or English until the 30th April 2025 for publication in October 2025 (Issue 10). For more information please see the following link.

Expressions of pragmatism in Social Work: Preliminary reflections



The premise from which this article starts is the necessary critical review of the foundations that cross the Historical trajectory of Social Service and establish a line of continuity between its conservative base and the intention of rupture, even interfering in it. A critical analysis is made of the influence of pragmatism in the Social Service which, as an ideal representation of the bourgeois world, influences the profession from the practical-professional, theoretical and ideopolitical point of view, constituting a challenge to be faced by all segments of the category. It is concluded that without the critical reading of the foundations of pragmatism it will not be possible to advance in the appropriation of Marx's social theory, since there has been a "pragmatic invasion in Marxism".


Servicio social, Expresiones, Conservadurismo, Pragmatismo, Marxismo

Author Biography

Yolanda Aparecida Demetrio Guerra, Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brasil

Doctora en Servicio Social por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de São Paulo -PUC-SP (Brasil), profesora del Programa de Posgrado en Servicio Social de la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro -UFRJ (Brasil). Coordinadora del Núcleo de Estudios e Investigaciones sobre los Fundamentos del Servicio Social en la Contemporaneidad- NEFSSC de la UFRJ.Br. Investigadora del CNPq nivel 1. Autora del libro “La instrumentalidad del Servicio Social: sus determinaciones socio-históricas y sus racionalidades” y co-organizadora del libro “Servicio Social Crítico” da Biblioteca Latino-americana de Servicio Social da Cortez Editora. 

Correo electrónico: yguerra1@terra.com.br
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1330-9587


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