
Call for Papers. Special Number "100 Years of Social Work: Discussions and Perspectives on the Discipline's Past, Present and Future". Submissions in Spanish or English until the 30th April 2025 for publication in October 2025 (Issue 10). For more information please see the following link.

Germanys Social Work in totalitarian regimes: a comparison between ‘Third Reich’ and the German Democratic Republic (GDR)



By way of introduction, the article describes the historical lines of the development of social work in Germany. It then focuses on two historical phases in which a dictatorship ruled. The de-professionalisation and political subservience of Social Work in the period of the National Socialists `Third Reich’ (1933-1945) and the development in the eastern part, the German Democratic Republic, GDR (1949-1990) were traced. The National Socialists were a right-wing extremist movement that came to power in Germany under Adolf Hitler, destroying the democracy that had only existed since 1918 and establishing a fascist regime. After the assertion and development of power, a radical dynamic from discrimination to exclusion and finally to the extermination of allegedly inferior people set in. The discipline and profession of social work were involved in the implementation of the eugenic policy and the enforcement of the associated new ideals of the unequal worth of human beings in many forms. In view of the uniqueness of the Holocaust and the other crimes of the Nazis, one cannot really make a comparison with one of the successive governments in Germany. The Nazi period was incomparable in its human rights violations to those of the GDR. But part of the ideology of this time was not only carried on in the West Zone of Germany, but also and again differently in the Russian-occupied East Zone. The GDR suffered from the ideologic continuity especially in the treatment of the so-called ‘asocial’ clients of social work. Finally, an attempt is made to understand the common ground of the regimes with the modernisation theory of Zygmunt Bauman.


Germany, fascism, communism, social work history

Author Biography

Carola Kuhlmann, Evangelische Hochschule Rheinland-Westfalen-Lippe, Alemania

Diplomada en pedagogía social, Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación. Realizó su tesis posdoctoral sobre Alice Salomon y es profesora del Departamento de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Protestante de Ciencias Aplicadas de Bochum (Alemania). Estudió pedagogía social, ciencias de la educación, teología protestante y sociología en Göttingen y Münster (1980-1989). Sus líneas de investigación refieren a la historia del trabajo social, la vida y la obra de Alice Salomon; la historia de la atención residencial, la educación y la violencia; el trabajo social y el género (movimiento de mujeres y trabajo social); las desventajas educativas y la inclusión social. Es miembro de la Asociación Alemana de Trabajo Social, del Departamento de Pedagogía Social de la Asociación Alemana de Ciencias de la Educación y del Colegio de Doctorado de Renania del Norte-Westfalia.


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