
Call for Papers. Special Number "100 Years of Social Work: Discussions and Perspectives on the Discipline's Past, Present and Future". Submissions in Spanish or English until the 30th April 2025 for publication in October 2025 (Issue 10). For more information please see the following link.

Housing Policies for asylum seekers and refugees, social control and social work practice in Greece



Since 2015, Greece has been one of the main host countries  for many thousand people from Middle East who have been forced to leave their countries by political reasons. This article illustrates the housing policies for refugees and asylum seekers in Greece as part of a policy of power enforcement in micro and macro level, resulting to  heir social exclusion. In this context, social workers have been at the forefront in order to respond to refugee and asylum seekers needs, facing limits to their work due to the social policies. The study constitutes an effort to provide an insight on the social work practice and the difficulties professionals face being a part of a social control policy. For this purpose, a qualitative method has been conducted via interviews with social work practitioners from non- governmental organizations serving asylum seeker and refugee population (NGOs) in Greece. Research analysis highlighted work overload along with limited training and support. At the same time, it is found that social workers do not comprehend housing policies for asylum seekers and refugees as policies which encourage integration, but rather contribute to a regime of control and exclusion. Although professionals reported that there have been attempts of resistance at the individual level, collective actions of resist control and repressive practices seem to be absent. Social work practice with asylum seekers and refugees in Greece seems to confront the neoliberal system which reproduces managerialism and, on the other hand the anti-immigrant rhetoric which embraces control policies. Within this context, social work profession is being challenged, raising concerns about the capacities and the restrictions social workers face by developing interventions which promote social change. Political analysis and involvement with service users’ groups, labor groups and collectivities’ groups need to come to the fore in order to address these challenges and to stand against any oppressive practice. 


refugees; housing policy; social work; managerialism; Greece

Author Biography

Eleftheria Neila, Panteion University

Practicing social worker from Greece. She holds a B.A. in Social Work from the Technological Educational Institute of Athens and a M.A. in Social Policy from Panteion University. She has worked in various projects based on child protection and social integration serving the asylum seeker and refugee population in Greece. Her research interests are social policy, social work practice, advocacy, anti-oppressive practice and human rights.


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