
Call for Papers. Special Number "100 Years of Social Work: Discussions and Perspectives on the Discipline's Past, Present and Future". Submissions in Spanish or English until the 30th April 2025 for publication in October 2025 (Issue 10). For more information please see the following link.

Critique of critical thinking. Cartography of contemporary positions regarding critique and some theoretical and clinical orientations on the subject


  • Saul Karsz Red de Prácticas Sociales


The article discusses contemporary positions around the notion of critique, questioning both the schemes that comprise it in binary terms -positive acceptation of critique postulated by progressive positions versus negative acceptation of criticism assumed from conservative positions- as well as the neoliberal version of critique. The latter formulates some objections and proposes necessary changes under the essential condition of contributing to the reproduction of the global system. Both the positive and negative meanings of critique are subsumed by this neoliberal version, in which self-proclaimed ‘realist’, ‘constructive’ and ‘modern’ dominate contemporary discourse. The overlaps between these meanings of critique are multiple, going beyond the disciplinary and professional framework in which they are enunciated. In this sense, three theses are proposed on the question of contemporary critique: i) there is no critique in general, indeterminate, without precise orientation, without explicit or implicit social commitment, without theoretical framework or ideological positioning; ii) all critical meanings mobilize subjective logics which are, at the same time, irreducible; and iii) the binomial “necessary objectivity / impossible neutrality” plays a determining role in the different meanings, in their internal dynamics, in their alliances and in their divergences, and also in adhesions and rejections. Finally, a reflection is offered on the safeguards that critical thinking should satisfy in order to continue its task and face, with some success, the challenges of the contemporary moment.


critique, ideology, objectivity, subjectivity, neutrality

Author Biography

Saul Karsz, Red de Prácticas Sociales

Saul Karsz is Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires and Doctor of Sociology from the University Paris 5 - Sorbonne. Director of the Social Practices Network. Email: saul.karsz@gmail.com


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