
Call for Papers. Special Number "100 Years of Social Work: Discussions and Perspectives on the Discipline's Past, Present and Future". Submissions in Spanish or English until the 30th October 2024 for publication in April 2025 (Issue 9). For more information please see the following link.

Special Issue "Capitalist Crisis, Right-Wing Movements, Ongoing Rebellions, and Social Struggles"


The Journal Critical Proposals in Social Work – Propuestas Críticas en Trabajo Social- is an academic publication of the Department of Social Work at the University of Chile, aiming to foster debate and the development of proposals in response to the impacts of capitalism, inequality, and oppression affecting various sectors of society. The journal seeks to disseminate proposals, analyses, and debates on social issues from theoretical-conceptual, political, and historical perspectives within the plurality of critical approaches in the social sciences and in dialogue with other disciplines. Submissions from various disciplines and methodological traditions are welcomed, including qualitative and quantitative studies, mixed designs, with participatory and/or collaborative emphases, linking with territories, communities, collectives, social movements, and public policies. The journal also accepts theoretical discussion articles in essay format.

On this occasion, we invite the submission of academic articles focusing on the study/analysis of the global capitalist crisis and its expressions at the local level, alongside the emergence of right-wing movements in governments. Figures such as Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, Giorgia Meloni, Nayib Bukele, Benjamin Netanyahu, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Emmanuel Macron, Daniel Noboa, Javier Milei, among others, have promoted policies that infringe upon human rights, including economic, social, political, cultural, and environmental rights. Concurrently, some countries have undergone processes of social struggles and rebellions - since the 21st century - that have demonstrated the exhaustion of capitalist social relations and have spurred experiences from below. We welcome submissions that present theoretical discussions and/or research results or testimonies/interviews on topics related to the following axes:

1) Capitalist crisis and its contemporary expressions: labor, environmental, economic, political, social, migrations, race, gender, etc.

2) Capitalist crisis and the rise of right-wing and ultra-right movements: conceptual definitions and distinctions of right-wing ideologies, political expressions in governments, media articulation with right-wing movements and political parties, etc.

3) Capitalist crisis, rebellions, resistances, and struggles for emancipatory/anticapitalist projects: social actors and movements, principles, strategies, and forms of resistance organization, experiences of governance.

4) Social Work in times of right-wing movements and social struggles.

Some questions that can help guide submissions include:

 What is the nature of the crisis? Can we speak of a structural crisis of Capital?

 How can we characterize right-wing governments and their public policies? What are their implications?

 Why haven't the uprising experiences in Chile and other countries consolidated emancipatory projects?

 What challenges and proposals arise in this context for Social Work in particular and the social sciences in general?

This issue is led by the Socioeconomic Relations and Social Struggles Core (NURELS) and is directed by Dr. Paula Vidal and Dr. Gonzalo Durán.

Deadlines and Guidelines: The deadline for article submissions is May 15, 2024.

All submissions must be uploaded via the platform on our journal's website.

Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation and Submission: Link to guidelines on the journal's website.

Inquiries: propuestascriticas@facso.cl

Indexing: Our journal is indexed in EBSCO, DOAJ, Latindex, and ERIH PLUS. We are currently preparing the application for indexing in Scopus.